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Review of Literature

During my background research, I read many article. On this page you will find the reviews of the articles, websites, books and podcasts that I found most interesting. 


Chemical Composition and Evaluation of
Nicotine, Tobacco Alkaloids, pH, and Selected
Flavors in E-Cigarette Cartridges and Refill

Joseph G. Lisko MS, Hang Tran MS, Stephen B. Stanfill MS,
Benjamin C. Blount PhD, Clifford H. Watson PhD

This article discussed the importance of the difference type of components in the e-liquids. They analyzed 36 different flavor of e-liquids for their levels of Nicotine, Tobacco Alkaloids and pH. In general, the levels of nicotine were found to be lower than what was labelled. The major components found in the liquids were propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine and ethanol. Menthol was a surprising element that came up in the analysis. They also mentioned the importance of accurate labeling and discussed the importance of youth vaping. This article was very interesting since it is very similar to the  experience I want to lead at Collégial international Sainte-Anne. It inspired me in the beginning of my research and permitted me to develop my concepts.

Vaping-associated Pulmonary Illness (VAPI)

American Thoracic Society

This article discusses the history of vaping and the start of youth vaping. Clinical presentation is also described, a multiple of possible symptoms and imaging are filed. The disease that is now known as EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury) is linked to many collateral illnesses like diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and many types of pneumonia. Treatments are currently unknown, yet corticosteroids seem to help improving symptoms. This article is important  since it tells the story of the beginning of the understanding of the illness and the reader can compare this to  today's literacy and see the evolution of science.

Chemical Composition of Aerosol from an E‑Cigarette: A
Quantitative Comparison with Cigarette Smoke

Jennifer Margham, Kevin McAdam,* Mark Forster, Chuan Liu, Christopher Wright, Derek Mariner, and Christopher Proctor

In this article, the scientists compare the components of cigarette smoke and the one of e-cigarettes. Their health risks are being discussed. They screened for 150 chemicals in both vapors. The e-cigarette vapor tested positive for only 20 components, while the cigarette one tested positive for over 100 chemicals. They discussed the health benefits of switching from a cigarette to an e-cigarette since, overall, the chemicals found in the vapors of e-cigarettes are much less dangerous for the body than actual cigarette smoke. "However, the presence of toxicants in e-cigarette aerosols, even at comparatively low levels, suggests that e-cigarette use is not risk-free." 

The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
Suppresses Chronic Smoke-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation

Necola Guerrina, Hussein Traboulsi , David H. Eidelman and Carolyn J. Baglole

Description of this article and it's importance is to be done.


The Vaping Fix


This podcast, very much alike Big Vape; The Incendiary Rise of Juul tells the story of how vaping came to be the crisis it is today. It discusses all mistakes that have been done by the company itself and by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) as well as the  National Institute of Health (NIH). Listening to this podcast made me realize that there's always two sides to a story and as much as we might love to blame the vile big companies to be responsible for the EVALI, it might not be completely be their fault. I discovered that the lack of rules around the production and the testing of the new vaping devices might have been the main reason why things went the way they did. Overall, I greatly recommend this podcast to anyone interested in the vaping history. With its testimonies and interviews of different people we really get to see the bigger picture and extend our understanding of this social/health problem.


You can listen to this podcast on 

Big Vape; The Incendiary Rise of Juul

Jamie Ducharme

This non fiction book was very interesting and eye opening. It portrayed every step of the way of the rising of the Juul empire, starting by the story of two university students who had a vision to revolutionize society with this new way of smoking. Their idea soon became an actual company which over the years only kept growing and growing. Things went by very fast and, with this book, the reader discovers how Juul became too big for these two inexperienced man. Series of bad decisions were taken, yet the intentions behind weren't always bad. The help they would later on receive  would be greatly criticized and their actions soon became source of media attention. As I had learned with The Vaping Fix, the lack of regulations had a great impact on the company's choices such as not doing any type of studies concerning their devices. This book taught me  many things on the industry of vaping and permitted me to understand the very start of this pandemic of vaping. 


This book can be purchased here on                       

La cigarette électronique: enfin la méthode pour arrêter de fumer

Philippe Presles

I first chose this book since I wanted to see the other side of the medal; I wanted to know what were the good points of e-cigarettes. This book, written in 2014, contains many ideas to try and brake the stereotypes of e-cigarettes and presents the devices as a new way of ceasing a smoking habit. While reading I soon realized that he was somewhat right; to quit smoking, e-cigarettes could be the solution if used properly. The only problem would be that this book was written at a time when EVALI hadn't emerged in our hospitals, some of the data is greatly outdated. I then realized that science evolves very quickly and that every day new information is being discovered which may change our way of seeing things. Overall, the use of e-cigarettes still stays a great way to quit smoking, although not one without risks. And you shouldn't forget that youth vaping still remains a very serious problem that needs to be looked upon.


I consulted Dr. Presles website awhile ago and saw that, he too, changed hi mindset concerning vaping devices. The new discoveries in the science community can always make us realize a previously hidden side of a situation. Only time will tell if EVALI can be prevented or cured.


Click              if you want to consult the latest news on Dr Presles website.

Evidence Grows for Vaping’s Role in Gum Disease

American Society for Microbiology

This article discusses the importance of further studies concerning vaping devices and their long-term effects on the human body. As we all know, smoking cigarettes is bad for your overall health, it can lead to lung and cardiac problems, cancer and can also cause gum disease. It took decades of studies for the scientific community to discover these side effects. This article does not only approach the subject of newly found health effects from vaping but it also puts an emphasis on the long term studies that need to be done on the subject. Yet another proof that science keeps evolving and that e-cigarettes devices have not shown us all their potential at destroying our health.  


The full article can be found                  

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